Sound Healing is a healing method that uses vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissues and cells within the body. All matter vibrates at specific frequencies and disease, depression, and stress cause people to vibrate at a lower frequency. Surrender control of who you think you are, release your hold on what keeps you from greatness and allow a recalibration of your physical and energetic bodies.Why is sound so effective in healing? Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, which is highly responsive to vibration and the cells of the body are capable of re-tuning themselves to higher frequencies.
Sound Healing is a healing method that uses vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissues and cells within the body. All matter vibrates at specific frequencies and disease, depression, and stress cause people to vibrate at a lower frequency. Surrender control of who you think you are, release your hold on what keeps you from greatness and allow a recalibration of your physical and energetic bodies.Why is sound so effective in healing? Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, which is highly responsive to vibration and the cells of the body are capable of re-tuning themselves to higher frequencies.
Sound Healing is an ancient Shamanic Art and is known to
• Stimulate both physical and emotional healing
• Alleviate stress/tension
• Improve your immune system & circulation
• Release energetic and physical blocks/toxins
• Improve sleep and create a deep sense of wellbeing
All you need do to receive is to relax, be guided into some deep breathing, quiet the mind and allow access to your own inner wisdom and ability to heal. Take this powerful leap into awareness and be part of the collective change. I offer personal sessions and regular community Sound Journeys in Hobart and statewide. Follow Terese Tanner Wellness or Contact me to find out more.
Energy Healing is what I feel is the sum of everything I have been guided and trained to work with. My Energy Healing is Shamanic in nature, meaning it is derived from the elements and elementals.
I simply connect with Source and my ‘light team’, ask for support for your healing and trust the divine guidance that comes through me not from me, is exactly what you need. It always is. Sometimes I am doing bodywork, transmitting codes to cells/DNA or balancing chakras and sometimes the healing is in the form of clairvoyance or sound. This healing is intuitive and never structured. The outcome is a deep sense of relaxation, healing, balance and bliss.
A Sound Journey is a combination of guided meditation and sound. It is usually offered in a group setting where participants lay on a mat (or sit) with a blanket and a cushion and rest in a comfortable, safe and deeply open state to receive. I use a collection of sacred and modern instruments and my voice during the session. Sometimes the journeys are designed around an event like a full moon or a ceremony, but always with intention to transform and lift. My journeys are intuitive, meaning I usually channel guidance given in the moment with respect to who is receiving, when and where. Sometimes I collaborate with other healers/musicians.
Participants experience deep relaxation and often report profound shifts (these can happen immediately or in the days preceding the journey) but always a feeling of lightness, connection, peace and love.
I offer Sound Journeys at retreats, as workshops and to the public at least once a month. If you would like to book an individual Sound Journey, book for a group or attend one of my regular offerings then check my Terese Tanner Wellness FB page or contact me through the form on this website.